Take Action
Call Republicans in Congress and demand that they stand up to Trump.
“The Voice and Conscience of the People”
We are looking for some good people who are truly concerned about the well-being of their families, homes, community,
children’s schools, jobs, wages, and the like.
We want people who care about who and what their local, state,and national leaders are doing or not doing for you.
We need people who are willing to stand up for their rights.
You won't be alone, we are a group of concerned citizens like yourself in Fort Worth who are standing up, and making our
voices heard by our representatives at all levels. Are you fed up with working harder and having less and less to show for it?
Join the Fort Worth Chapter Texas Coalition of Black Democrats today! Let’s do something about it!
We meet the fourth Saturday each Month from 5-6 p.m. at the
William M. McDonald YMCA 2701 Moresby St. Fort Worth, Texas 76105
There is power in numbers! Join us today! Help us make the changes you want to see and need.
Call Eric Igwe for more information, 817.841.9204
Facebook: Tarrant County Black Democrats
Website: www.Tarrantblackdemocrats.com